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  • kamanaoleeward

Wrapped Present

Kayla Angelie Romero | Age: 20

Description: "I wanted to write something that involved the holidays, and take a shot at writing poetry and horror, which is something I don’t regularly do."

The place was filled like every other

Something around every corner

Whether it's smiles or a gift

This season is all for it

For this house, no smiles are upon

Yes around this corner you find something wrong

It’s not the fireplace or the tree

Or the music that seems merry 

A family member went missing before

This festive season came in store

So now they look down and see

What present they received from thee

A beautiful present wrapped with paper

But when they unwrapped it, it was a heartbreaker

When a knife was revealed stained with red

It paired with a letter that soon was read

“Maybe with this I am seen

what kind of monster I truly can be, 

Look at the river, and you’ll see.”

And so all came and saw

Their loved one

Displayed for all

A body encased in ice

And wounds stabbed more than twice

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