About Us
Who we are
Ka Mana‘o is the student-produced publication of Leeward Community College. We publish content online, funded by student fees and advertising, and administered by the Board of Student Communications.
Ka Mana‘o is one of several student-leadership programs based out of the college's Student Life office.
Editorial content reflects views only of staff. Ka Mana‘o welcomes students interested in being staff members, as well as submissions of creative works. Ka Mana‘o reserves the right to edit for length and content, and publication is not guaranteed. All content published in Ka Mana‘o and its website may not be reprinted or republished in any form without permission.
View past print issues at www.issuu.com/kamanaoleeward
Meet our staff
Nathanael Bueno
Serah Florendo-Iboshi
Kaiehu Helela
Kainoa Kaeha
Pascal Santos
Angel Tran
Stanley Lee
Contact us
Adviser: stanleyl@hawaii.edu
Address: Leeward Community College
96-045 Ala Ike
Pearl City, HI 96782
Our office is located inside the Student Lounge.