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  • Nathanael Bueno

4 tips for surviving college

Students back on campus for the first week of the fall semester

After an extensive summer of being completely departed from all things academic, class is now in session. Students may feel major mixed feelings of anxiety and enthusiasm as they walk into class. It is normal to have first-day nerves, especially when entering unfamiliar territory of in-person classes. This transition from a liberating three months to the classroom may be daunting for some students, but it doesn’t have to be. So here are some survival tips for incoming students at Leeward Community College.

Join extracurriculars

Put the ‘community’ in community College and join a few clubs. While education is a vital part of the college experience, there is no better way to expand education than looking into various clubs. Extracurriculars are a great way to self-inspire new interests and explore old ones. Leeward offers an array of clubs to join that enrich personal development and the college experience. College is not cheap, and it is best to utilize all that tuition into something more than just classes. Establishing a presence beyond the classroom is an essential strand in the tapestry of education.

Be familiar with the campus

It is embarrassing to show up to class late and be faced with intimidating gawks, or even worse, showing up to the wrong class. Any new place may be confusing at first, but there can never be too much preparation going into the first week of class.

“I basically did a scavenger hunt around the school till I found my class,” said Caylah Miller, a freshman at Leeward who, like most students, got lost on her first day. “I asked people around for the office and then when I got there, I told them my situation and they gave me a personal map.”

Printing out a campus map or touring the different buildings will certainly ease first-day jitters. There are also a number of staff at the Welcome Center that can provide directions for students and visitors. The Welcome Center is located on the second floor of the AD building.

Study for exams

After a substantial amount of time spent in online classes, pulling out notes during exams has become the norm. Moving forward, this is the perfect time to develop or restart those study skills lost due to the pandemic. Most professors might not even allow certain material to be out during tests, so it is best to really study.

“If you have homework, do it then review it,” Miller emphasizes. She is pursuing a Liberal Arts degree and studying is an essential part of her college schedule. Orchestrating study groups or using resources such as Quizlet to study independently will guarantee an A grade.

Savor all of that free time

By the end of the first week, it would have already become obvious that college is nothing like high school. Sure, there’s no waking up at 6 a.m., but classes are longer, and the workload is tremendously time-consuming.

Miller acknowledges the importance of taking breaks in between studying, “because your brain will fry.” Taking naps or running errands is how Miller compensates for the long hours she spends on her academics.

More responsibilities add on as the semester continues, which makes it hard for those who are balancing personal life and work. While there are only 24 hours in a day, there is still enough time to just have some fun.

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