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Leeward Discovery Fair provides interactive activities for all ages

Lindsey Millerd

Courtesy of Leeward Community College

Looking for fun, educational and interactive activities for the whole family? Kids and adults alike are invited to participate in the 31st Annual Leeward Community College Discovery Fair, Nov. 6 to Nov. 13.

The event will be hosted virtually with over 20 guided tutorials led by Leeward students and staff.

Interested in learning how to compost using worms? How about making homemade natural deodorant using safe, plastic-free, and chemical-free ingredients? Activities will showcase hands-on video instruction on gardening, science, arts and crafts and yoga.

Many presentations are perfect for young ones interested in fun and simple activities such as mirror image painting, learning about hand tools, and making ice cream in a bag.

But the Discovery Fair isn’t just for keiki, most of the projects are great for any age.

The workshops are focused on eco-friendly, do-it-yourself projects. For instance, create lip balm and personalize it with your favorite scent. With the holiday season quickly approaching, many of these would make great gifts and stocking stuffers.

Got a green thumb? The various gardening workshops are also sure to be fun for the whole family. Learn about succulent planting, composting, grafting, and get inspired to elevate your own gardens at home.

Val Fajotina, a student in Leeward’s Sustainable Agriculture program and former student employee at the Native Mala is leading a presentation called “Food Sovereign-tea.” Her demonstration will showcase how to brew tea using native plants.

Fajotina, a mother of three and originally from Texas, moved to Hawaii in 2007. She has been active in the agricultural and environmental community here. Recently Fajotina interned at MA'O farm and served on the Ho'ola Aina Food Council.

Fajotina decided to participate in the Discovery Fair after attending a Leeward Sustainable Committee meeting where she heard there was a call for ideas to contribute to the event.

“It was a no-brainer for me to use this platform,” Fajotina said. “I try my best to contribute to anything regarding a future with sustainability in mind. I am still brimming with knowledge and aloha to spread through the idea of food sovereignty.”

The idea for her presentation was planted after attending the Hawai'i Youth Food Sovereignty Council Meeting in 2021.

“We were passed some wonderful 'ike (knowledge) and passion for native teas …” Fajotina said, also sharing that “the meeting was hosted as a virtual event too, so I knew it shouldn't be too complicated to arrange a piece for the virtual Discovery Fair.“

Participants can browse the list of Leeward Discovery Fair activities in advance to ensure they have all the necessary materials.

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